08/2011 - 4000972602 - MA OPTISONIC 6400 R02 en
5.3.3 Step 3: how to view logged data
With the UFC 400 P it is possible to view logged data. This is only possible for one logged
parameter at the time.
"View logged data",
, choose saved file. Press
Choose a parameter and change the percent of the scale for viewing as required. Press "Next".
A graph is displayed.
With the keys
zooming on the time scale axis is possible. The actual level of zooming is
shown in the upper left corner as a percentage and through the bar on the time scale. After
zooming in the 4 and 6 keys can be used to step to the beginning or the end of the data. The 1 and
3 key can be used to step backwards and forwards through the data.
5.4 How to transfer data to a PC
5.4.1 Site files
When you use the converter for the first time only a default site file is available. This will be
loaded. If you used the converter before, the same site file will be loaded that was loaded when
you switched off the converter the last time.
When you start with the installation of a flow sensor the settings from this file are used. You can
save the site file under an appropiate name after the flow sensor installation procedure.
By saving the default site file the parameters settings of the factory are overwritten. To restore
the factory default settings, select "Settings and information
Load factory settings". If the
default site file is deleted the converter will create a new one at the next startup of the device.
Site files can be saved and loaded in the "Measurement" menu. When a parameter setting is
changed and not saved in the site file the converter will ask if you want to save it when you enter
the measuring mode. You can skip this. By using the function keys on the right side of the keypad
you can jump from the measurement menu to the setup menu or options without being asked to
save changed parameter settings.
It is recommended to save the site file regularly in order to not loose work. The site files are not
stored automatically also not when the converter is switched off.
In the menu "File management
Site files" you can manage your site files. You can copy,
rename or delete site files.
With the "Import" or "Export" option you can copy site files from/to a memory stick connected to
the USB port.
It is highly recommended to backup your site files on a memory stick or on your pc in order not to
loose work.
The site files are XML files. You can store, copy or rename the site files on your pc, however if you
edit a site file on your pc the site file might not have the correct format anymore and may give an
error when reading it on the converter.
View logged data
Select log file
Select parameter
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