08/2011 - 4000972602 - MA OPTISONIC 6400 R02 en
3.4.6 Step 6: set up counters for energy
Go to menu 2.4.6 and select a counter for counting energy. Use counter 3 or 4 for energy
measurements as they have a higher limit.
At the "Function of counter", select "Sum" for counting both positive and negative energy flows.
Select "+ counter" for only counting positive energy flows,
Select "- counter" for only counting negative energy flows.
At the "Measurement" option, select "Power". The energy value counter unit is kJ.
3.4.7 Step 7: How to read energy measurement
The following parameters are available when heating or cooling measurement is switched on:
Temperature A/B
Temperature difference
Themal power (power)
Thermal energy (totalized power)
To setup the display to view those parameters please refer to the display setup paragraph.
The unit for energy measurement can standard be set to Joule (kilo, mega, giga), Wh (kilo, mega)
or BTU (kilo, million (MM)). In case any other unit is required the free unit can be used. To setup
the free unit go to "Measurement
". Select the power or energy parameter,
then select "Free unit". Enter the text for the unit, then the factor for the unit entered.
The factor for energy is the amount of Joules in the free unit. The factor for power is the amount
of Watt's in the free unit.
Underneath you find a table with factors for alternative energy units.
Function of counter
Function of counter
Function of counter
Function of counter
Low flow cutoff threshold
Low flow cutoff hysteresis
Preset value
Reset counter
Set counter
Stop counter
+ counter
+ counter
+ counter
+ counter
0.000 kW
0.000 kW
0 kJ
13-04-2010 14:11:09 13 MB free
Unit of power
W factor
(amount of Watt in unit)
Ton (refridgeration)
A ton of refridgeration is defined
as the cooling power to melt one
short ton (2000 pounds or 907 kg)
of ice in a 24 hour period. This is
equal to 12000 BTU per hour or
3527 W.
kilo calorie per second
Power required to heat 1 kg of
water with 1 degree Celsius in 1