Product sercos
Error if HW Limit Switch is signaled (IDNP 3015)
This function is used to set the behavior on reaching the hardware limit switch.
Faults which require a Coldstart will not clear (IDNP 3016)
This function can be used to prevent faults from being cleared when a reset command is
given. This applies to faults that normally require a coldstart to clear.
Allow SW Enable before HW Enable (IDNP 3028)
Allows enable via sercos
to be set before the hardware enable. Otherwise an F29 is
Enable Acceleration Feedforward (IDNP 3052)
The feed forward gain calculated by the amplifier can be modified via the ASCII parame-
ter GPFFT or IDN 348.
Standard sercos
Invert Position setpoint (IDN 55)
The position polarity parameter is used to switch the polarities of position data. The motor
shaft turns clockwise when there is a positive position setpoint difference and no inver-
sion. sercos
bus data are inverted, servo amplifier data and limit switch data er not
Invert Position Feedback Value 1 (IDN 51)
This function can be used to invert the polarity of the internal actual-position value.
Invert Position Feedback Value 2 (IDN 53)
This function can be used to invert the polarity of the external actual-position value.
Enable Position Limit Values (IDN 55)
Activates the software limit switches. Always active for linear position scaling.
Invert Velocity setpoint (IDN 44)
This function can be used to invert the polarity of the speed setpoint. The motor axis turns
clockwise if a positive speed setpoint is present without invert enabled.
Invert Velocity Feedback Value (IDN 43)
This function can be used to invert the polarity of the actual-speed value.
Enable Spline Interpolation (IDNP 3040)
Only when a cycle time of 500 µs is selected can spline interpolation be selected instead
of linear interpolation. Modulo must not be active.
Scaling Method
Rotary or linear (see IDN 76).
Standard Scaling Type
Default or parameter scaling (see IDN 76).
Scaling Units
Units for selected scaling (see IDN 76).
Data Reference
The data reference can be to the motor shaft (internal feedback) or to the load (external
feedback), (see IDN 76).
Processing Format
Modulo format (see IDN 76).
for S300/S700
Installation / Setup