* Dual tracking function mode: Enables output voltage and
current (negative and positive) to be changed at the same
rate and same time.
* Seven-segment LED display function (red): Enables voltage
and current digital values to be displayed at the same time.
T h i s function a l l o w s the user to easily v i e w the actual out-
put voltage and current levels and the values previously set.
* Preset function: A l l o w s the user to preset up to three pairs
of voltage and current most frequently used. T h i s enables
the quick target selection.
Excellent man-machine interface: One-touch key s w i t c h e s
provided for setting operational conditions. All the variables
c a n be entered through the "one-dial c o n t r o l " of the rotary
encoder. In addition, the desired output voltage and current
values c a n be specified precisely in 1 0 m V and 1 0 m A unit.
* K e y lock function: Forces all the values previously set to
be fixed. This prevents the current values from being altered
by someone else while the user is " o u t " .
* Protect function: Prevents unexpected voltage and current
from being output to an external application board. T h i s
function is helpful w h e n the preset k e y , variable k e y , and
tracking key are pressed in the output operation mode.
* S a f e t y m e c h a n i s m design: Well-designed heat sink provid-
ed for preventing intra-unit temperature from becoming high
too m u c h . No fan is used for cooling. A s a result, the inter-
nal functional blocks are not degraded due to noises, vibra-
tion and dust.
* Backup function: Allows the values previously set to be kept
in the back-up memory. T h a t i s , even if the regulated power
supplies are turned off, the current values are s a v e d to the
. back-up memory. There is no need for the user to enter data
each time w h e n the s y s t e m is turned on.
* Apart from the features described so far, the P W R has
another special feature w h i c h is the capability to control
each function by remote control.
Refer to the instruction manual for remote control for details.