Keep in mind the following w h e n reading this manual:
T h e manual c o v e r s both t h e P W R 1 8 - 2 and P W R 3 6 - I
H o w e v e r , from Chapter 5 , "Explanation, of P a n e l f r o n t "
onwards,, the manual is written only in terms of the
P W R 1 8 - 2 .
W h e n checking regarding the P W R 3 6 - 1 , " 1 8 V " should
be changed to " 3 6 V " wherever it appears after Chap-
ter 5.
1) confirming the supply voltage
* Use the unit within the specified range.
T h e unit's rated voltage is single-phase, 1 0 0 / 1 2 0 / 2 2 0 / 2 4 0
• V A C ± 1 0 % (max. 2 5 0 V ) at 5 0 / 6 0 Hz.
* T h e rated voltage is written on the name plate located un-
der the A C input terminal on the rear panel.
*• .See-the Maintenance and Adjustment section:'for informa-
tion on how to change the supply voltage.
2) connection of power cord
Be user to plug the provided power cord deeply and firmly into
the A C input terminal.
3) Precautions for connection of output terminals
* Because this is a dual output machine that puts out posi-
tive/negative voltages and currents, do not use the provid-
ed shoring bar or other device to short the C M terminal w i t h
the positive and negative terminals, or the positive and
negative terminals w i t h each other. If a short is made, use
the machine after setting the output voltage to rather a low
level. If it is high, the internal circuits may be damaged. Keep
it in mind.
* T h i s is a floating type power supply. For normal u s e , the
provided shorting bar to connect the GND and C O M termi-
nals. In addition, w h e n connecting the short bar between
the C O M and GND terminals, or w h e n removing it, be sure
to put the O U T P U T s w i t c h to " O F F " .
4) Set-up Environment
* Be sure to use the machine within the specified ambient tem-
perature range of 0 to 4 0 deg C .
* Because the unit is cooled by natural convection, do not
place objects on top, place the unit under any heat-emitting
device, or use multiple units in s t a c k e d configuration. A d -
dition, place the unit in as well ventilated a place a s possible.
* During u s e , the heat sink in the rear panel may get hot. E n -
sure good ventilation and do not place heat-susceptible ob-
j e c t s nearby.
5) Remarks regarding turning on the power supply
* No data is displayed on the display panel and the L E D dis-
play remains inactive for about three seconds after this s y s -
tem is turned on. Note that the s y s t e m is not operating
abnormally. Wait until some data is displayed on the dis-
play panel.