Spirit200a User’s Manual Rev J
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7. If using a copper electrode, use the tool (P/N 277087) to remove the
electrode from the torch head. If using a silver electrode, use the tool
(P/N 279061) to remove the silver electrode from the torch head.
8. Inspect all consumables and o-rings for damage and excess wear.
Exchange for new consumables as necessary.
9. Inspect the cooling tube in the torch head for damage. See Section 7
Maintenance and Troubleshooting if replacement is necessary.
Making a Cut or Mark
Once the material type, thickness, and process have been entered, the
correct torch parts are installed, and the x/y machine and height control
systems have been properly configured, perform the following steps to cut
or mark with the system:
1. Depress and hold the Power On button until the Coolant Flow status
LED illuminates. If the Coolant Flow led fails to illuminate after 10
seconds, see the maintenance section for possible solutions.
2. The automatic gas console will purge the gas hoses and set the
correct gas pressures automatically. After the pressures have been
set correctly, the Gas Console status LED will illuminate.
3. Once the Gas Console LED illuminates, the unit is ready for cutting or
marking. Upon the reception of a cycle start signal, the following
sequence will take place:
Two second gas preflow
High frequency starting circuit energized
Pilot arc initiation
Transferred arc (cutting or marking arc) established
Motion output relay energized
4. Upon removal of the cycle start signal, the arc will be extinguished and
the motion output relay will be deenergized.