Serial Communication
Spirit200a User’s Manual Rev J
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# Hex String
Additional Information
Restore Factory
47 AA nn FA 2F 00 01 0D Restores the factory cutting condition for
the present material type and thickness.
Cutting Condition
48 AA nn FA 30 00 -- 0D
If requested in command #30, the AGC
will transmit whether the present cutting
condition is a factory default setting or a
custom user setting. Note: This is only
valid when initially loading material type,
thickness, and process.
0 = factory / 1 = custom
Configure H17
49 AA nn FA 31 00 -- 0D
0 = Disable H17 cutting
1 = Enable H17 cutting
Reload Cutting
50 AA nn FA 32 00 01 0D
Reloads the cutting conditions for the
present material type and thickness
Set Arc Off Delay
51 AA nn FA 33 -- -- 0D
Sets the delay time in mS between the
reception of a stop signal and the
extinction of the arc.
Valid Range: 0 to 2000 mS
Machine Type
52 AA nn FA 34 -- -- 0D
If requested in command #30, the AGC
will transmit the machine type.
153 = Spirit150a
203 = Spirit200a
273 = Spirit275a
403 = Spirit400a
Set Marking Arc
53 AA nn FA 35 -- -- 0D
Sets marking arc voltage in Volts x 100
Valid Range: 5000 to 20000
Set Marking Height
54 AA nn FA 36 -- -- 0D
Sets marking height in mils (inches /
Valid Range: 0 to 999
Set Marking Start
55 AA nn FA 37 -- -- 0D
Sets marking start height in mils (inches /
Valid Range: 0 to 999
Set Marking Travel
56 AA nn FA 38 -- -- 0D
Sets marking travel speed (inches / min)
Valid Range: 0 to 999
Set Marking Pierce
57 AA nn FA 39 -- -- 0D
Sets marking pierce time in ms
Valid Range: 0 to 9999
59 AA nn FA 3B 00 -- 0D
0 = Local at power supply
1 = Hard signal via interface plug
2 = RS-422
Node Focus
254 AA C8 FA FE 00 nn 0D Sends a global command to all systems
and sets the node focus to system nn