Johnson Controls
Start-Up & Operation Guide | 5586996-JSG-A-0120
The unit controller leaves the final tested compres
sor in system 1 running for the refrigerant charge
check. Otherwise compressor X shuts down
Refrigerant charge check system 1 (when pressure
transducers are installed, the unit controller calculates
and records the following for system 1):
• Suction pressure
• Suction line temperature
• Superheat
• Liquid line pressure
• Liquid line temperature
• Sub-cooling
When pressure transducers are not installed:
• Enter the system 1 suction pressure (numeric text
input / psi)
• Enter the system 1 suction line temperature (nu-
meric text input / °F)
• The unit controller calculates and records
system 1 - superheat
• Enter the system 1 liquid line pressure (numeric
text input / psi)
• Enter the system 1 liquid line temperature (nu-
meric text input / °F)
• The unit controller calculates and records the
system 1 – sub-cooling
When prompted, select yes to check circuit refrigerant
If the final compressor ON circuit fails, the unit
controller displays a message that the compres-
sor charge check is unavailable
• System 1 compressors are shut down
• When prompted to continue, select yes to test
compressor X
Compressor check system 2 (repeat for all installed
compressors on system 2):
• Follow all the preceding steps from checking com-
pressors on system 1
• When prompted to continue, select yes to test the
heating system
When the start-up wizard heating option is set to en-
able, the start-up wizard runs the following electric heat
or the gas heat check. The application automatically
determines which heating test to run.
Electric Heat Check
• The unit controller commands the electric
heat stage X ON and the modulating heat
command to 100% (stage 1 only), waits 60
seconds, and then asks the user "Check Ok?"
• When the user does not answer the question
within another 60 seconds, the heat stage X
is stopped, the heat stage X check is record-
ed as failed, and the start-up wizard skips to
the next electric heat stage
• When the user answers the question with
yes, the heat stage X is marked as passed
and the start-up wizard starts the next elec-
tric heat stage
• When the user answers the question with no,
the heat stage X is marked as failed and the
start-up wizard starts the next electric heat
stage. The unit controller records either state
• When there are any electric heat stage X
safety trips during operation, heat stage X
is stopped, heat stage X check is recorded
as failed, and the start-up wizard skips to the
next electric heat stage
The unit controller cycles through each electric
heat stage recording the pass/fail for each stage.
Gas Heat Check
• The unit controller commands furnace X low
fire stage ON and commands the modulating
gas heat command to 100% (furnace 1 only),
waits 20 seconds, and then asks "Check Ok?"
• When the user does not answer the ques-
tion within another 120 seconds, the low fire
stage is stopped, both low and high fire are
is recorded as failed, the unit controller com-
mands the modulating gas heat command to
0% (furnace 1 only), and the start-up wizard
skips to the next furnace test
• When the user answers the question with
yes, the low fire stage is marked as passed
and the unit controller commands the fur-
nace X high fire stage ON, waits 30 seconds,
and then asks the user "Check Ok?"
• When the user does not answer the question
within another 120 seconds, then both low
and high fire stages are stopped, the high fire
stage is recorded as failed, the unit control-
ler commands the modulating gas heat com-
mand to 0% (furnace 1 only), and the start-up
wizard skips to the next furnace test. The unit
controller records either state