FORM 100.50-NOM12
ISSUE DATE: 04/02/2019
Smoke Purge
Smoke purge is also available through the User Inter-
face to evacuate smoke due to fire from a room or zone.
The Series 100 is configured for various types of filtra-
tion to meet the different needs and requirements of
today's rooftop applications, including 2-inch throw-
away, pleated, carbon, and cleanable filters and 12-
inch high efficiency rigid filters.
Single Point Power
The unit comes standard with single point power con-
nections to make installation quick and easy.
Dual Point Power
Dual point power can be factory installed for applica-
tions that require the mechanical heating and cooling
functions to be separated from the air handling func-
tions. This enables the unit to be operated in an emer-
gency condition while minimizing power consumption.
Unit-Mounted Disconnect
This option is available to minimize time at installation
of equipment and to reduce necessary field installed
Access Doors
Full-sized access doors provide easy access into the
unit for routine maintenance and inspection.
Service Valves
Oversized service valves to provide isolation and
quick reclamation and charging of system refrigerant
are available to minimize downtime and simplify the
service and repair task.
Convenience Outlet
For maintenance tasks requiring power tools, an op-
tional 110V GFCI power supply can power lights,
drills or any other power hand tool needed.
Factory Run-Tested
Each unit is subjected to a series of quality assurance
checks as well as an automated quality control process
before being run-tested. Fans and drives are balanced
at the factory during testing. The factory run-test en-
sures safe proper operation when the unit is installed,
and reduces installation and commissioning time.
Replaceable Core Filter Drier
This option provides a means to remove moisture, dirt
and debris from the refrigeration circuit in the event it
is opened.