JA-101K(-LAN)(-LAN3G) and JA-106K(-3G)
Security System Control Panels
Device autobypass
The option serves for the selection of the method of autobypassing
The device will be bypassed after being triggered
3 times in one setting period regardless
of the alarm length. Any other attempts to trigger
the device will be ignored, until unsetting
the section.
A device enables triggering 3 times during 1 alarm
period. The particular device will be bypassed after
3 alarm periods, meaning after the device has
been triggered 9 times. Any other attempts
to trigger the device will be ignored.
Timer setting
In each section, the entry and exit delays A, B and C are measured separately.
If different exit delays are defined for detectors within one section the longest
delay is measured. In case of different entry delays the one that belongs to the
activated detector is measured. If more detectors are activated, the shortest
one of the defined entry delays is measured. Detectors with delay C can extend
the duration of the exit delay (see the option: Detector with the Delayed
C reaction extends exit in the Parameters tab)
Alarm duration
Alarm duration – valid for all sections. Range 5 sec. – 20 min.
Entrance delay A
Timer A. Range 5 sec. – 2 min.
Exit delay A
Timer A. Range 5 sec. – 2 min.
Entrance delay B
Timer B. Range 5 sec. – 2 min.
Exit delay B
Timer B. Range 5 sec. – 2 min.
Entrance delay C
Timer C. Range 5 sec. – 6 min.
Exit delay C
Timer C. Range 5 sec. – 6 min.
Waits for confirmation of
intrusion by another
Waiting time for alarm confirmation by another detector of a set section. Valid
for all detectors with the reaction Confirmed immediate / Confirmed delayed A
(1 – 60 min.)
Waits for confirmation of
fire by another detector
Waiting time for fire alarm confirmation by another detector. Valid for all
detectors with the reaction Fire confirmed. (1 – 60 min.)
Waits for repeated
activation of the detector
Waiting time for repeated activation of the same detector. The set time
must be longer than minimum detector restoration before repeating. Valid for all
detectors with the reaction Repeated immediate / Repeated delayed A
(6 – 120 sec.).
blanking time
Minimum time for which the detector is not evaluated before it can repeat
the activation. Valid for all detectors with the reaction Repeated
immediate / Repeated delayed A (5 – 60 min.).
Report when unset after
Time after which an unset section reports unsetting if no detector has been
activated in it (the reporting is enabled in the Sections – Report unsetting tab;
1 – 48 h).
Maximum exit time
Maximum time the exit delay is extended by an active delayed detector in the
section. Only functional together with the option: Detector with the Delayed C
reaction extends exit delay. If the detector is activated longer, the section is set
and the detector is bypassed (1 – 60 min.).
Detector(s) extend exit
delay C
The “garage gate function” – an active detector with the Delayed C reaction
(open gate) extends the exit delay in the respective section. Such an extension
may only be caused by detectors with a status reaction (typically opening
detectors). The maximum time of possible extension is set through the previous
Delayed report to ARC
When enabled, an Internal alarm will be triggered after the entrance delay has
timed out, but the system waits for 15 sec to send an alarm report to the ARC.
A user has 15 sec more to unset the system without triggering an alarm
reported to the ARC.