JA-101K(-LAN)(-LAN3G) and JA-106K(-3G)
Security System Control Panels
Authorization type
Selection of the way the system processes user authorization. Related
to controlling a PG output with authorization.
Entering a user code, using an RFID card or a tag
will accomplish valid authorization. Just one
of these options is necessary to control the system.
Card confirmation with
Users assigned with cards and codes must
authorize themselves with both (regardless of the
order of authorization). If users have either cards
or codes, they will authorize themselves according
to the Standard option. Remote phone access
is enabled for authorized numbers only.
Double authorization
Entering a user code and using an RFID card will
accomplish valid authorization (regardless of the
order of authorization). F-Link monitors whether
a code and a card are assigned to a user in the
Users tab (otherwise F-Link won't allow you to save
the configuration). Remote phone access
is enabled for authorized numbers only.
System blocking by alarm
The parameter allows blocking the system after first alarm triggering (intrusion
or tamper) to avoid further alarms to be triggered. Unblocking can be performed
by a special code for Unblocking or by authorized access from the ARC (meant
for Great Britain). Unblocking after tamper alarm triggering can be performed
also by a user with a service authorization (meant for the Benelux area).
No blocking
By tamper alarm
The system is blocked when a tamper alarm
is triggered (by opening the device, by RF jamming
or by 10 incorrect code entries, etc.)
Any alarm
The system is blocked by triggering any alarm
(intrusion, fire alarm, flooding, 24hr alarm or panic
Loss of a BUS device
The control panel processes the loss of a device or a short circuit on the system
BUS. According to the selected option system will react to occurred situation:
The control panel always processes the loss
of a device on the BUS or a short circuit
of the BUS just as a Fault
Tamper always
The control panel processes the loss of a device
on the BUS or a short circuit of the BUS
as a tamper alarm always when it occurs.
If the radio module has RF jamming detection
allowed and it is really detected then it also
triggers a tamper alarm. A tamper alarm is also
followed by a fault and when the fault
disappears, it cancels the tamper alarm as well.
Tamper after confirmation The control panel processes the loss of a first
device as a fault and if within a pre-set time
given by the parameter “Period of waiting for
alarm confirmation” another device loss occurs,
then the system confirms it and triggers
a tamper alarm. When the faults of all the lost
devices are restored then the system cancels
the fault and tamper alarm.