JA-101K(-LAN)(-LAN3G) and JA-106K(-3G)
Security System Control Panels
Indication LEDs on the control panel board
All versions of control panels feature the following indication LEDs on the main board:
Flashing during operation of the communication BUS indicates correct functioning
Permanently lit indicates a general error in the system (more information provided
by F-Link or a keypad with a display)
- Permanently lit after power supply connection when searching for a GSM network
(for 1 min. at the most)
- OFF if GSM is OK and no communication is going on
- Flashing in 1 s / 1 s ON / OFF intervals if no GSM network is available
- Flashing during communication, with a short repeated flash indicates the
parameter setting: GSM communicator OFF
Indicating USB connection to a PC
Additional Connectors on the control panel PCB
All control panels have a RESET jumper on their PCBs, thanks to which the system can be set to factory
default settings (if enabled by the parameter “Reset enabled”). The procedure is very precisely described
in chapter 12 Reset of the control panel.
There is a 10 pin connector on all versions of control panels meant to be used for connecting a supplementary
PSTN communicator such as the JA-190X. Also an RJ connector (RJ-44) is placed on the control panel PCB
and serves for the connection of the JA-11xR radio module if installed inside the control panel box. It is strictly
forbidden to connect any device to this connector out of the control panel box.
There is a one special connector on the JA-101K (LAN) designed for a tamper contact to be connected.
It indicates any attempt at damaging the front cover or opening the control panel. A rear tamper contact is not
included for this version of control panel.
There are 3 connectors for a special tamper contact in the JA-106K control panel. Firstly a front cover tamper
contact, and secondly a rear tamper contact (detects an attempt at control panel removal from the wall) and one
supplementary tamper contact to increase the level of protection. Next to every connector is a jumper
and by removing it you switch ON the tamper contact. If any of the contacts is not used, a jumper has to be
Connection terminals on the control panel PCB
The control panel of a security system has the requirement to be connected to the mains (230 V or 110 V)
power permanently. The mains power is connected via terminals equipped with a replaceable fuse. The control
panel is a protection class 2 device with double isolation. That´s why a 2-wire cable is enough (just a live wire
and a neutral wire). Don´t ever connect the earth wire to any terminal in the control panel! Internal
communication between the control panel and connected devices is performed via the BUS. It is realized for the
JA-101K panel by a single four-colour terminal (red, yellow, green and black) and for the JA-106K panel there
are two BUS terminals. Another option of how to connect BUS devices is to use an RJ connector; every control
panel has it on its PCB. The primary use is for the JA-11xR radio module to be connected.
A built-in USB connector type B is placed on control panel PCBs. Using a short extension it is possible
to establish a connection with a PC via the USB cable without opening the control panel.