JA-101K(-LAN)(-LAN3G) and JA-106K(-3G)
Security System Control Panels
Blocking when setting
If enabled then all active inputs will be blocked during setting the section and
they cannot trigger an alarm in this guarding period anymore. If disabled,
all active inputs will be bypassed temporarily until they go to standby and
detectors start guarding again (risk of false alarm triggering – improperly closed
Unsetting cancels alarm
A function which determines if an alarm will be cancelled by authorization
of a valid code only or by unsetting the section with an alarm. If enabled, the
alarm can be cancelled with unsetting of a section where an alarm has been
triggered or from the LCD keypad menu by pressing on “Cancel warning
Unsuccessful setting
The function is processed during every setting procedure. If an instant zone
is triggered within the exit time or a delayed zone stays open when the exit time
expires, the system is not set and triggers an “Unsuccessful setting” event and
records it in the history. It is also reported by an SMS to a pre-set user
if the event “SMS about unsuccessful setting” is enabled to be sent.
It is indicated by keypads and also by an outdoor siren. To cancel the indication
about unsuccessful setting it is necessary to press “Cancel warning indication”
in the LCD keypad menu.
Fault autobypass
It is only available when one of the system profiles “EN50131-1” or “INCERT”
is chosen. It is meant for disabling of the limited number of triggered faults from
3 faults maximum to no limit.
System profiles
Selection from pre-set system profiles according to requirements.
Parameters set by factory default with the option
to modify them according to needs
EN50131-1, Grade 2
Some parameters are pre-set automatically
to comply with EN50131-1, grade 2 (low – middle
risks) with no option to be modified
INCERT, Grade 2
Some parameters are pre-set automatically
to comply with the INCERT norm, grade 2 with
no option to be modified
Ways of setting
Selection of the way the system manages the setting process. From the lowest
level when the system can be set regardless of active devices and faults
in system to the highest level when the system cannot be set at all with active
devices (instant zone).
Set always
Set always regardless of the system status (faults,
active devices,..)
Set with warning
Optically indicates (on segment and display)
the system status (faults, active elements,
low battery or backup battery) for 8 seconds and
sets automatically once this period expires. Setting
is also possible by repeatedly pressing the segment
(or by pressing the ENTER key).
Set after confirmation
the system status (faults, active elements,
low battery or backup battery) for 8 seconds.
Can be set ONLY by repeatedly pressing
the segment (or by pressing the ENTER key).
Don´t set with an active
the system status (faults, active elements,
low battery or backup battery) for 8 seconds. Can be
set by repeatedly pressing the segment (or by
pressing the ENTER key) but only if the active
detector is of the DELAYED or NEXT DELAYED
reaction type. An active element with any other
alarm reaction CANNOT be set this way.
ATTENTION!!! this also applies to remote control
(Voice menu, SMS, MyJABLOTRON, action through