JA-101K(-LAN)(-LAN3G) and JA-106K(-3G)
Security System Control Panels
5.12 Use of existing cabling in refurbishment projects.
For the installation of new lines you should preferentially use the CC-01, CC-02 and CC-03 cables.
In case of connection to cables of the SYKFY 3x2x0.5 type the data wires of the BUS (A, B) must be
connected to one selected twisted pair. For the +12 V power supply and GND you can connect the
respective wires together in the remaining two pairs (doubling within a pair).
In case of connection to cables of the UTP the data wires of the BUS (A, B) must be connected to one
selected twisted pair. For the +12 V power supply and GND it is suitable to connect together (double) the
respective wires of the remaining wire pairs.
If a shielded cable is used, do not connect the shield to the BUS terminals! We recommend to bond all
the shields (tinning) in the control panel to an auxiliary terminal and not to connect this bonding
anywhere else. Also leave the other end of shielding at the device side unconnected.
6 Use of wireless devices
In the JA-100 system you can use wireless device of the JA-15x, JA-16x and JA-18x series. The control panel
must be equipped with at least one JA-11xR radio module.
When installing individual device observe the instructions in their manuals.
Installation of a JA-11xR radio module
1. The module can be placed in the control panel cover or it can be installed elsewhere in the building and
connect it with a BUS cable. If the module is installed in the control panel cover, connect it to the internal
BUS connector using a flat cable equipped with RJ connectors.
2. If the control panel is installed in a place with poor GSM signal reception, the GSM module increases
its transmission power, which can have a negative impact on the radio module communication range.
In such a case you are recommended to place the radio module outside the control panel, namely at least
2 m from it, where it will not be negatively influenced anymore and will have higher-quality radio reception
from the devices, which will allow for longer ranges and consequently installation distances.
The RJ BUS connector on the control panel board is exclusively
designed for the connection of a radio module installed inside the
control panel housing.
3. You can cover a larger area with radio signal by installing up to 3 radio modules in different places (e.g. each
one on a different floor). Signals from a wireless device (hereinafter device) can be received by more radio
modules simultaneously. The control panel communicates in a cycle with individual radio modules, so it will
get information sent by a device from the radio module that was the first to receive an intact signal and
reacts to it. Then, it will not get the same information from the other radio modules any more even though
it was received with a stronger signal. Thus, it may happen that signals from the same unidirectional device
may exhibit quite different data in F-Link / System settings / Diagnostics during repeated measurements
depending on from which module the signal was taken. As regards to bidirectional devices, the control panel
“reserves” the once used channel (communication with the first radio module) and after that it communicates
with the particular device via this radio module only (shown in Diagnostics, the Channel column) until
the device stops responding. Then, it looks for the connection signal in the other radio modules. If you need
to verify the quality of connection of individual devices to individual radio modules, check it by the RF signal
graph in the F-Link SW (button on the upper toolbar). There select the radio module for which
communication should be checked and the activate devices you want to check. A graph of radio
communication shows the RF signal strength measured by a specific radio module. It is also possible
to have several RF signal windows open so you can very simply monitor the RF coverage in that premises.
4. Install a radio module vertically on a wall. It must not be situated near objects that shield or interfere with
communications (metals, electronic devices, cables, pipelines etc.).
5. After switching the system on you must
enroll the radio modules first.
It is only then that you can enroll
wireless, see following chapter.
Installation of wireless devices – enrollment mode
Wireless devices have to be enrolled to the system for instance by a production code. The enrollment
procedure can be performed in Enrollment mode only using a PC with installed F-Link software.
See chapter 8.4.1 Enrolling and erasing devices.