JA-101K(-LAN)(-LAN3G) and JA-106K(-3G)
Security System Control Panels
2 System size
The system range can be set with regard to the building size and user needs.
External size
The external size of the system as seen by its users can be defined by the keypad assembly.
1 – Control segments; 2 – Access module
Control segment
- A keypad can have up to 20 control segments. Each segment has two keys
(OFF – on the left and ON – on the right). A segment is used to control a section (Set / Unset), to control
appliances or to call assistance. A segment can also be used to indicate the status of a section or PG output
(it can indicate the active status both with a red LED as standard and with a green LED - inverted indication).
For instance on the keypad it is possible to monitor and indicate segment activation/deactivation of a magnetic
detector installed on a door if it is open or closed. It can be pre-set as a “Common Segment” for simultaneous
control of more sections.
access module
verifies authorization of users. The authorization method is determined by the module
selection (RFID card/tag reader, keypad + RFID reader, keypad with an LCD display + RFID reader).
The module also enables opening of a door-lock by application of a card/tag (code entry). Modules are available
in a wireless and BUS version. Functions apply to both.
Configuration of the control keyboard is described in chapter 10.5.1 Keypad configuration.
Internal size (system range)
Before installation pre-set their estimated quantities to be
adequate for installation requirements, this avoids the installer
recording items not used. You can create a system both for
a small apartment and for a large building with independently
controlled sections.
The number of devices, sections, users and programmable
outputs is set using the F-Link software. Their quantity can be
increased or reduced on the Initial setup tab. It makes
programming more organised.
The control panel can be split into 15 sections (independently
adjustable parts). Every device has its own address (keypads,
detectors, sirens) and has to be enrolled to a section.
Authorisation to access some of the defined sections has
to be added to each user. Sections can be linked to other sections
to control them and their statuses in common.