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14.6.6 Discrete Type 4
Width: 10
Range: 0 to 4294967295
Format: Ten characters in base 10. The value is right-justified. Unused digits to the left
are zeros.
14.6.7 Discrete Type 5
Width: 3
Range: 0 to 999
Format: Three characters in base 10. The value is right-justified. Unused digits to the
left are zeros.
14.6.8 Discrete Type 6
Width: 5
Range: 0 to 99999
Format: Five characters in base 10. The value is right-justified. Unused digits to the left
are zeros.
14.6.9 Fractional Type 1
Width: Variable
Format: XXXX.XX—The width of the integer portion of the value is variable. The
decimal point and two digits to the right of the decimal point are always provided.
14.6.10 Volume Type 1
Width: 7
Units: mL
Format: mmmmEse—Represents the scientific notation of m.mmm x 10se. For example,
1.200 x 10-2 is represented with 1200E-2. Note that the decimal point is inferred after
the first character.
mmmm—4 character mantissa
E—“E” character
s—Sign for exponent (+ or -)
e—Single digit exponent
14.6.11 Time Type 1
Width: 1 to 8
Units: 0.1 second
Range: 0 to 35,964,000 (0 to 999 hr)
Format: Up to eight characters representing the time in 0 to 999 hours, with a resolution
of 0.1 sec. Unused digits are not returned.
14.6.12 Time Type 2
Width: 8
Units: 0.1 second
Range: 0 to 35,964,000 (0 to 999 hr)
Format: Eight characters representing the time in 0 to 999 hours, with a resolution of
0.1 s. The value is right-justified. Unused digits to the left are filled with zeros.
14.6.13 String
Width: Variable
Range: 0 to 64 characters
Format: The string is delimited by the delimiting character of the message type that it is
contained in. For device command requests, this is [CR]. For data responses, this is [SP].
The string cannot contain these characters. Other printable ASCII characters are okay.