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6.4.2 PUMPING Menu
The PUMPING Menu allows you to set up the pumping parameters for all of the available
channels. The channel number that is being programmed is indicated in the upper right hand
corner. You can select the rotation direction, pumping mode, and values for each channel in the
PUMPING menu. Flow Rate Mode
Flow Rate Mode provides a continuous operation
at a set rate and direction. Adjustable parameters
are rotation direction, fl ow rate, and fl ow rate units.
Rotation direction can be selected as clockwise
(CW) or counter-clockwise (CCW). Flow rate can be
changed in the range specifi ed by the selected unit
and/or tubing inner diameter (ID) (see Section
6.4.3). Selectable fl ow rate units are RPM, μL/min,
mL/min, and L/min. Flow rate and rotation direction
can be changed during the operation as well. Volume Over Time Mode
Volume Over Time Mode allows the user to
dispense a desired volume over a desired time.
The pump will determine the speed of rotation by
set volume and time. Adjustable parameters are
rotation direction, volume, volume units, time, and
time units. Rotation direction can be selected as
CW or CCW. Combinations of time and volume
can be set to any value as long as it is in the range
of the pump’s capabilities. If the time value
entered is less than what the pump is capable of
for desired volume, it will default to the shortest
dispense time possible. Volume units selectable
are μL, mL and L. Time units selectable are seconds, minutes, and hours. None of the
parameters are changeable during pumping or when operation is paused. Dispensing program
can be reset during operation by pressing the Reset button after pumping is paused. Volume Mode
Volume Mode allows the user to dispense a set
volume with a set fl ow rate. Adjustable parameters
are rotation direction, fl ow rate, fl ow rate units,
volume, and volume units. Rotation direction can
be selected as CW or CCW. Flow rate can be
changed in the range specifi ed by the selected unit
and/or tubing ID (see Section 6.4.3). Selectable fl ow
rate units are RPM, μL/min, mL/min, and L/min.
Selectable volume units are μL, mL, and L. Only
fl ow rate can be changed during pumping or when
the operation is paused. Dispensing program can
be reset during operation by pressing the Reset
button after pumping is paused.