It is recommended that you do not use your DVXi system for anything other than
operating the MasterControl software. Wandering to other parts of the system could
damage its intended functionality, so do this at your own risk.
With this is mind, MasterControl offers several methods to prevent users from
exploring other areas of the DVXi system. For example, the Users tab contains the
following options on the Security tab:
Enable Kiosk Mode—
covers the Windows Desktop and task bar during
MasterControl operation. When used with Restrict Explorer Functional-
ity, access to the Desktop and task bar is completely eliminated while
MasterControl is running. If you choose to keep Enable Kiosk Mode
selected, you have access to the following option:
On Exit—
lets you choose to have your system continue in Win-
dows, shut down, or restart when you exit MasterControl. If you
choose Continue in Windows, users can access other parts of the
system after MasterControl is shut down.
Restrict User Functionality—
disables several Windows and
MasterControl functions while MasterControl is running. Selecting this
checkbox and clicking Restrictions opens a window with the following
restrictions groups:
Application Security—
contains the following restrictions (applicable
only while MasterControl is running):
Disable Help Button—
disables the Help button at the top of
the MasterControl screen.
Disable Export—
disables the Export button on the Search page,
along with the Copy To Clipboard and Print functions on the
Export pop-up menu.
Explorer Security—
contains the following restrictions:
Hide Desktop Icons—
removes icons from the Windows Desk-
top (requires restart).
Hide Network—
disables Network Neighborhood in Windows
(requires restart).