Preset, Salvo, System Tour and Event Timer
Preset enables the system to pre-define and save camera
scenes, which can be called up for display either
automatically by the system upon alarms or by operators via
keyboards. Descriptions for the relevant scenes can also be
displayed on monitors at the same time. The Infinova series
receivers and Super Dome cameras are capable of defining
up to 255 such camera scenes.
Salvo permits users to switch a group of cameras to a group
of monitors, hereby providing convenient surveillance over
different scenes simultaneously.
System Tour enables operators to display different camera
scenes, presets and salvos continuously on the same monitor.
One camera scene or one preset can be included in the same
Tour multiple times.
Event Timer permits the system to automatically call up
system tours at a pre-programmed time.
Monitor Tour
A monitor Tour is a temporary sequence of cameras for a
called monitor. The sequence can only be displayed on the
called monitor.
Control Interface
V2923ACN system provides its controllers and auxiliaries
with following interfaces:
Multiple V2923ACN sites establish inter-communication via
UDP in a network video system;
Controller stations (such as keyboards, PCs) establish
communication with V2923ACN via RS-232 interfaces;
The V2431 Alarm Interface Units communicate with
V2923ACN via RS-232 interfaces to Control alarms;
The Monitor specifically for menu programming (PROG
MON) Communicates with V2923ACN via PROG MON port;
The V2411 Code Generator/Distributors, looping through
DATA LINE with V2923ACN, are used to provide Manchester
Control code for site cameras;
Infinova series Followers (including V2421A, V2422A, and
V2423A) switch external circuits when designated cameras are
called up to designated monitors (V2421A), when designated
monitors are in alarm conditions (V2422A), or when
designated auxiliaries are called up (V2423A). They all
communicate with V2923ACN via high-speed DATA LINE.
System Priority
System priority provides operators with the following detailed
Keyboard-to-Monitor: Set the keyboard group that can
control the monitor;
Keyboard-to-Camera View: Set the keyboard group that can
view the camera;
Keyboard-to-Camera Control: Set the keyboard group that
can control the camera;
Monitor-to-Camera: Set the camera group that can be
displayed on the monitor.
Alarm Handling
V2923ACN system, when communicating with the V2431
Alarm Interface Units, provides up to 1024 alarm inputs, and
features powerful alarm handlings such as:
Calling up any system video input upon alarm;
Calling up pre-defined scenes upon alarm;
Triggering auxiliary relay switches for site cameras upon
Auxiliary Outputs
Local auxiliary outputs are provided via the V2431 Alarm
Interface Units (AIUs) to activate VCRs or other alarm
Pseudo Numbers, Real Numbers and Reflection Numbers
V2923ACN system assigns Pseudo Numbers for up to 1024
local cameras or cameras of the remote site for ease of system
management. A Pseudo Number is the logical number the
system assigns to a specific camera. The camera's Real
Number, the actual physical camera number, can also be used
in the system. Reflection Number indicates camera address in
the system. It is another Real Number which is added behind
the Pseudo Number, so the operations to the current camera
(Real Number) will be mapped to the other camera (Reflection
Network Node
Each V2923ACN in the network is referred to as a node. Each
node in the network maintains all of its full features. To
identify V2923ACNs in a network, each unit is allocated a
unique site number through the programming menu. Of which,
sites from 241 to 250 are defaulted as network keyboards.
Power Supply and its installation
System Power Supply herein refers to the standard power
supply for V2923ACN. V2923ACN can be powered with
100VAC~240VAC standard power supply.
When powering V2923ACN, check that the power supply
specifications correspond to those required. The use of improper
appliances may seriously compromise the safety of the personnel
and the installation.