Cheetah KAC Camera User Manual | Camera Link (CLF) Interface
October 1, 2019
Rev 7.2
5.14 I/O Control
5.14.1 Input / Output Mapping
The camera has 2 external inputs (1 TTL input and 1 opto-coupled input) and 2 external
outputs wired to the 12 pin HIROSE connector, located on the back of the camera. In
addition to these inputs and outputs, Camera Link inputs (CC1 and CC2) are also available.
The user can map CC1 and CC2 or either external input to the Trigger input. The user can
map the camera outputs to: Trigger, Pulse Generator, Strobe One, or Strobe Two. For
each mapped signal active “High”, active “Low”, can be selected. All possible mapping
options for the camera inputs and outputs are shown in the following tables.
Input Signals
Table 28: Cheetah Input Mapping.
Output Signals
Pulse Generator
Strobe One
Strobe Two
Table 29: Cheetah Output Mapping.
5.14.2 Electrical Connectivity
The Cheetah has two external inputs: IN 1 and IN 2. Input “IN 1” is optically isolated,
while Input “IN 2” accepts Low Voltage TTL (LVTTL). Cheetah provides two general
purpose outputs. Output “OUT 1” is a 5v TTL (5.0 Volts) compatible signal and Output
“OUT 2” is opto-isolated. The first and second figure below show the external input
electrical connections. The third and fourth figures show the external output electrical
A. Input IN 1- Opto-Isolated
The input signal IN 1 and IN 1 Rtn are optically isolated, and the voltage difference
between the two must be positive between 3.3 and 24 volts (Figure 67).
Figure 67: IN 1 Electrical Connection.