Cheetah KAC Camera User Manual | Camera Link (CLF) Interface
October 1, 2019
Rev 7.2
5.15 Test Image Patterns
5.15.1 Test Image Patterns
The camera can output several test images for verifying the camera’s general
performance and connectivity to the CoaXPress interface. This ensures that all the major
modules in the hardware are working properly and that the connection between the
CoaXPress and camera is synchronized; that is, the image framing, output mode,
communication rate, and so on are properly configured. Test image patterns do not
exercise and verify the image sensor functionality. The following test image patterns are
H Ramp Still
Displays a stationary horizontal ramp image.
V Ramp Still
Displays a stationary vertical ramp image.
H Ramp Move
Displays a moving horizontal ramp image.
V Ramp Move
Displays a moving vertical ramp image.
Displays cross-hair pattern in center of image over a
superimposed live image (cross-hair thickness is 2 pixels).
Table 30: Test patterns.
5.16 White Balance and Color Conversion
5.16.1 White Balance Correction
The color representation in the image depends on the color temperature of the light
source. Cheetah cameras have a built-in algorithm to compensate for this effect. With
white balance correction enabled, the camera collects the luminance data for each of the
primary colors R, G, and B, analyzes it, and adjusts the color setting to preserve the
original colors and make white objects appear white. When selecting Auto-White Balance
(AWB) Tracking, you can select five tracking speeds from slow to fastest. The algorithm
collects data from the entire image and can work in the following four different modes:
AWB Mode
No color correction performed.
Camera analyzes one image frame, calculates only one set of
coefficients, and corrects all subsequent frames with this set
of coefficients.
AWB Tracking
Camera analyzes every frame, derives a set of correction
coefficients for each frame, and applies them to the next
Camera uses the correction coefficients you enter.
Table 31: Automatic white balance modes.