Cheetah KAC Camera User Manual | Camera Link (CLF) Interface
October 1, 2019
Rev 7.2
Figure 47: Color window.
White Balance:
Sets the White balance mode of operation.
– No white balance is performed.
AWB Once
– the camera analyzes only one image frame, calculates only one set
correction coefficients, and all subsequent frames are corrected with this set of
AWB Tracking
– the camera analyzes every frame, a set of correction coefficients
are derived for each frame and applied to the next frame.
– the camera uses the correction coefficients as entered from the user.
Manual WBC:
The user enters manually the white balance coefficients for each color. The range is from
0 to 255 (255 is equal to 1.0x). The user has option to set all coefficients to “Zero”.
Tracking Speed:
For Auto-White Balance (AWB), the user has the option of selecting from five update
rates. When 1x is selected, the AWB algorithm responds slowly to any changes in the
scene illumination whereas 5x tracking provides most responsiveness.
Manual WB:
The user can set individually the desired digital gain for each primary color R G B (1.0x to
4.0x, 0.001x increment) via the arrows or by entering the desired value. The user has
option to set all gains to “Unity” (1.0x)