Cheetah KAC Camera User Manual | Camera Link (CLF) Interface
October 1, 2019
Rev 7.2
[Note: all register values must be converted from hex to decimal] (Recall, one
line is defined to be two rows of the image sensor)
Line Time:
The line time can be computed in one of two ways:
Reading the contents of Line Time register (Reg: 0710 for Frame A or Reg
0714 for Frame B), converting the hex number to decimal and multiplying by
Measuring the frame time (GUI monitor screen) in free running mode with
the fixed frame period disabled and dividing by 1146 lines per frame if using
the C2880 camera or 1568 if using the C4080 camera.
The minimum exposure in global shutter mode is 5 microseconds and 1
microsecond in rolling shutter mode.
The exposure time cannot exceed the frame time. To increase the exposure time, first
increase the frame period to the maximum desired exposure time and then adjust the
exposure time.
In free-running (non-triggered) operation, the camera overlaps the exposure and readout
times for both global and rolling shutter modes as shown in the following figures. Both
figures show an 8.33 millisecond exposure time overlapping with the 13.8 millisecond
readout time. The third figure shows non-overlap exposure and readout in using a trigger.
Figure 54: Rolling Shutter with 8.33 ms exposure time.