IDS X Series Training V2.3 | Standard Master User Functions
Option 4 - Delete a User Code via Slot Number
If the original code is not known but the user‟s slot number is option 4 allows deleting via slot number.
Option 5 - View a User Codes Slot Number
If the user code is known but you want to know which slot that code is, this option will display the slot
number once the original code is entered.
Key presses
Press and hold the [*] key for 3 seconds
Enter the master code, followed by the [*] key
[1][2][3][4] [*]
Enter the value to call up the slot number of a user code, followed by the [*] key
[5] [*]
Now enter the user code, followed by the [*] key
[5][8][7][9] [*]
When complete press the [#] key
This will leave you in the master menu
Option 10 - Editing User Code Properties
By default when entering user codes the code is an arm disarm code. There are a number of other
options that can be added to a code. The table below describes each of these options and indicates
the value to enter to add the property.
Note: Any code between 2 & 128 that is a “master code” can only add users to the partition that it
belongs too. The default Master code can add to any partition.
Key presses
Press and hold the [*] key for 3 seconds
Enter the master code followed, by the [*] key
[1][2][3][4] [*]
Enter the value to delete a user code via a slot number, followed by the [*] key
[4] [*]
Now enter the user code to be deleted, followed by the [*] key
[5][8] [*]
When complete press the [#] key
This will leave you in the master menu
Zone LED
Master User
Adds, deletes and changes user settings
Duress Code
A code that works exactly like a normal code, but sends a panic
signal to the control room.
Arm to Disarm Code [Maid‟s
This code can only disarm the system if used to arm the system
Arm Code
Can only arm the system
Disarm Code
Can only disarm the system
Global Arm/Disarm
Can arm or disarm any partition
Programmable Output Code
This option will trigger an output when entered
Allow bypassing
If enabled the user can bypass zones if bypass with user code is
enabled by the installer
Key presses
Press and hold the [*] key for 3 seconds
Enter the master code, followed by the [*] key
[1][2][3][4] [*]
Enter the value to edit user code properties, followed by the [*] key
[1][0] [*]
Now enter the user code, followed by the [*] key
[2][5][8][0] [*]
Below is a table of all the user properties, we will make a Duress Code (followed by the
[*] key)
[2] [*]
When complete press the [#] key
This will leave you in the master menu