Using the ThinkPad Features Program
Starting the Program in DOS
The ThinkPad Features program for DOS is a command line
interface, so you can specify features by entering appropriate
commands. Type PS2 ? at the DOS prompt to display the ThinkPad
Features online help.
C:\> PS2 ?
(C) Copyright IBM Corp. 1993,1995. All rights reserved.
US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication
or disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract
with IBM Corp.
Command Syntax:
[Parameter1] [Parameter2] [Parameter3]
Following are available [Parameter1].
For the complete command syntax, type ‘PS2 ? [Parameter]’.
1.Power Management related
1. You can use the PS2 commands
from the DOS prompt in OS/2 or
2. This menu screen might look
different on your system.
You can select an item from the menu and follow the instructions on
the screen to set any of the features. For details on the commands,
see Appendix D, “Using PS2 Commands” on page 313.
You can create a batch file to set your unique operating environment
quickly and easily.
IBM ThinkPad 760CD User's Guide
Title: C78TFMST CreationDate: 07/11/95 14:33:57