Installing Enhanced Video Device Driver for Windows
Installing the Enhanced Video Device Driver for Windows
When installing an operating system,
you need to install the Enhanced
Video device driver.
This section describes the installation of the Enhanced Video device
driver for Windows, which enables the video in/out ports and smooth
playback on Video for Windows or compatible software.
Install Video for Windows or compatible software; then do the
following to install the Enhanced Video device driver:
Turn on the computer and start Windows.
Select File from the Program Manager window; then
select Run... from the pull-down menu.
O p t i o n s
W i n d o w s
H e l p
P r o g r a m
M a n a g e r
N e w . . .
O p e n
M o v e . . .
C o p y . . .
D e l e t e . . .
P r o p e r t i e s . . .
E x i t W i n d o w s . . .
A l t + E n t e r
E n t e r
F 7
F 8
D e l
F i l e
R u n . . .
Insert the Enhanced Video Device Drivers diskette for
Windows into the diskette drive.
; then press Enter and follow the
instructions on the screen.
After the installation is complete, remove the diskette and
restart the system to activate the Enhanced Video
Device Driver.
You have completed the installation of the Enhanced Video device
drivers for Windows. To run the Video Capture and Playback
functions, refer to the Video for Windows or compatible software
If you want to continue to install all device drivers, continue with
“Installing the MPEG Device Driver for Windows” on page 245.
IBM ThinkPad 760CD User's Guide
Title: C78TFMST CreationDate: 07/11/95 14:33:57