Cautions During Use
If instructions with this mark are not followed, it could cause
injury to persons or physical damage.
Do not create MP3 data for the convenience of third
It is against the law to create MP3 data without the
permission of the copyright holder for the purpose of
conveying it to a third party by sales or distribution.
Also, reproduction, distribution, regardless of whether it is
free or for profit, or posting on the Internet of voice files,
music files or audio CD’s, etc. except for private personal
entertainment, is strictly forbidden by copyright law and
international treaties.
Insert the stipulated batteries in the correct direction
(plus, minus.)
Do not use batteries other than those specified. Also,
insert batteries with the plus and minus poles correctly
oriented. If a mistake is made, it could cause the batteries
to leak fluid or break, etc., or could cause fire or injury or
damage the device.
Remove the batteries if the equipment is not to be used
for more than one month.
Could cause the batteries to leak fluid, or could cause fire
or injury or damage the device. If battery fluid leaks, be
sure to wipe the battery case out thoroughly and insert
new batteries.
Do not remove the
card during
Cautions During Use