Let’s listen to music.
The HyperHyde is equipped with 2 card slots, a top and bottom
slot, and two cards can be set at the same time. When using
two cards at the same time, it is necessary to select which slot
is the object before playing or recording.
Before pressing the [Play] button, do the following to
select the slot you would like to listen to music from.
When the top slot is selected, play starts at the top slot,
then proceeds to the bottom slot, then auto repeats,
returning to the top slot, etc.
When the bottom slot is selected, play starts at the bottom
slot, then proceeds to the top slot, then auto repeats that
When Using 2 Cards
When Listening to Music
Make sure the HyperHyde is stopped.
Make sure the main lamp and Record lamp
are both off.
When the player is not stopped, press the
[Play] button for a long time.
P r e s s t h e [ V o l u m e + ] b u t t o n
a n d c h e c k t h e R e c o r d l a m p ’ s
c o l o r .
• Lights up orange: The top slot is selected.
• Lights up red:
The bottom slot is
Press the [] button several times until the
slot you would like to use is selected. (The lamp’s
color goes off when the button is released.)
Check the lighting color.