Playing with the HyperHyde
P r i n t e r P o r t R e s o u r c e s C h e c k M e t h o d
If the I/O Port for the ECP printer port is 3BCh, music cannot be
recorded normally onto a card. (378h is recommended.)
Check the I/O port address by the following procedure and if it is
3BCh, change the I/O port address of the Printer Port in the personal
computer’s BIOS settings.
<Check Method>
1. Display ECP Printer Port using the procedure on the previous
2. Click ECP Printer Port, then click the [Properties] button.
See p. 48 before concluding
that there is some kind of
trouble with the computer.
When [Printer Port]
is not displayed.
See p. 48 before concluding
that there is some kind of
trouble with the computer.
When ECP Printer Port
is not displayed.
Personal Computer Operating Environment