Let’s listen to music.
After connecting the cable, perform the following
operation and select the slot you will be recording to.
If this operation is troublesome, one card at a time can be
set and recording done (even if 2 cards are set at the same
time during recording, only one card is recorded to at a
After this, when the contents of the Removable Disk are
displayed using Windows Explorer, etc., the contents of the
card in the selected slot can be confirmed. (Carry out
copying of files as usual.)
When Recording Music
When Using 2 Cards
M a k e s u r e t h e m a i n l a m p i s o f f .
If the main lamp is lighted up, press the [Play]
button and turn it off.
If the main lamp is blinking, that means
music is being recorded. Please wait
without doing anything until recording is
P r e s s t h e [ V o l u m e + ] b u t t o n
a n d c h e c k t h e R e c o r d l a m p ’ s
c o l o r .
• Lights up orange: The top slot is selected.
• Lights up red:
The bottom slot is
Press the [] button until the slot you
desire to record to is selected. (The lamp’s color
goes off when the button is released.)
Check the lighting color.