Check to see if the elevation reference and polarization
marks ares still at their correct values. If not, return to
page 2 and follow the instructions to align them at their cor-
rect values.
Note: If your mast is not plumb, you must perform the following pro-
• Subtract the number of degrees you are out of plumb from the
elevation value.
• Add two degrees to this new value to allow for error.
• Loosen the elevation pivot bolt nut and two elevation nuts.
• If the outer edge of the red elevation reference mark is resting
at an value larger then the new one, use a 1/2-inch socket
wrench or open-ended wrench to turn the elevation bolt head
clockwise until the outer edge of the mark is at the correct
• If the outer edge of the red elevation reference mark is resting
at a value smaller than the new one, turn the elevation bolt
head counterclockwise until the outer edge of the mark is at
the correct value.
• Carefully tighten the elevation pivot bolt nut and two eleva-
tion nuts.
2. Loosen the clamp bolt nuts. You may need to hold the bolt
head steady with your hand. Loosening the nuts will enable
you to move the antenna side to side and adjust the azimuth
Bracket Bolt Nut
Elevation Bolt Head
Clamp Bolts (3)
Elevation Pivot Bolt Nut
Elevation Bolt
Polarization Nuts (4)
Polarization Scale
TOP Label
Elevation Nuts (one on each side)
Azimuth Tick Marks