antenna shown with optional mast bracket!
Best.Nr. / part no.:
18760.LIN Antenne für Wandmontage/
antenna with wall mount
18626.H optionale Masthalterung /
optional mast bracket
This antenna covers both EU and USA RFID
bands. The antenna has been designed to be
waterproof and is easy to install. Polarisation is
linear (H or V). VSWR is typically less then
1.2:1, giving a return loss better then 20dB.
860 - 960 MHz.
Extremely low VSWR return loss.
linear polarised.
Wall mountable.
RFID readers
868 MHz linear patch antenna
# 18760.LIN
WiMo Antennen und Elektronik GmbH
Am Gäxwald 14, D-76863 Herxheim Tel. (07276) 9668-0 FAX 9668-11
http://www.wimo.com e-mail: [email protected]