3. Obtain the azimuth value from page 5 of this manual.
4. Use a compass to locate and line up the azimuth bearing.
5. Rotate the antenna in azimuth (sideways) until the antenna
is pointed at the magnetic bearing. Use a pencil to mark the
location onto the mast, and also mark the location on the
AZ/EL cap. Make two more marks on the mast, approxi-
mately 3/4 inch on either side of the first mark. (See illustra-
Note: Your azimuth/elevation cap assembly may have tick marks,
placed 1/4-inch apart, on the collar. Use these tick marks to help you
achieve the azimuth position. Mark the azimuth bearing on the mast
with a pencil, as described in Step 5. Then, instead of making your
own pencil marks on the mast, simply swing the antenna three tick
marks left of the pencil mark, as described below in Step 6.
6. Point the front of the antenna to the left of the estimated
bearing to the satellite so the alignment mark on the AZ/EL
cap mount lines up with the rightmost pencil mark you
made on the mast. (Pointing the front of the antenna to the
left moves the alignment mark, which is on the back of the
antenna, to the right.)