The following steps make the most use of the iterative process
described on page 34.
You may achieve optimum signal strength after just a few
adjustments, or you may find that additional adjustments are
necessary. In any case, remember that by achieving the best
possible signal strength, you ensure that you can best take
advantage of DirecPC's speed and reliability.
12. Mark the mast so you can find this azimuth bearing again.
13. After the satellite is detected, continue turning the satellite
antenna dish a small amount in the same direction you were
turning it when you began receiving the satellite signal.
Pause for five seconds each time after moving the antenna.
Turn the antenna in this fashion until the signal strength
numbers displayed by the antenna pointing software reach
the highest numbers possible for your site and then begin to
fall. When that happens, slowly turn the antenna in the
opposite direction until you regain the highest number that
was previously achieved. Achieving this maximum signal
strength is called “peaking the signal.”
14. While observing the signal quality display to ensure that the
signal strength number stays the same, tighten the three
clamp bolts that secure the AZ/EL cap mount assembly to
the tube in the following sequence:
a) Snug the top nut but do not completely tighten it.
b) Snug the bottom nut but do not completely tighten it.
c) Snug the middle nut but do not completely tighten it.
d) Fully tighten the top nut (torque to 12 ft.-lbs).
e) Fully tighten the bottom nut (torque to 12 ft.-lbs).
f) Fully tighten the middle nut (torque to 12 ft.-lbs).
15. You will now further adjust the elevation. Carefully loosen
the elevation pivot bolt nut (see illustration).
16. While watching the signal quality display to ensure that the
signal strength number stays at maximum, tighten the eleva-
tion bolt by turning it a few turns clockwise and counter-
clockwise, until you peak the signal again (see illustration).
17. When the signal is peaked, carefully snug the elevation
pivot bolt nut.
Bracket Bolt Nut
Elevation Bolt Head
Clamp Bolts (3)
Elevation Pivot Bolt Nut
Elevation Bolt
Polarization Nuts (4)
Polarization Scale
TOP Label
Elevation Nuts (one on each side)
Azimuth Tick Marks