Note: Coaxial cables with copper clad steel center conductor are not recommended.
Note: Do not use splitters if you intend to upgrade to a Satellite Return System.
Note: Line amplifiers are required for Receive cable runs of more than 150 ft.
Use plenum grade cable only if the cable is to be run in plenum space which is carrying return air for the air circulation system, or
when local laws require it.
If the Receive cable run length is less than 150 ft., then no line amplifier is required. If the Receive cable run length is greater than
150 ft., but less than 300 ft., then install a line amplifier in the Receive cable only, at about 25 ft. from the LNB.
A line amplifier, if needed, can be installed only in the Receive cable, not in the Transmit cable. (There is no Transmit cable in the
Dial Return product.)
Line amplifier specification: Channel Master 5113 IFD or equivalent.
Recommended cable specifications for Satellite Return and Dial Return
Cable length from
antenna to computer
Type of cable to be used
Up to 300 ft.
RG6 with solid copper
center conductor
(CommScope 5729 or
RG6 with solid copper
center conductor
(CommScope 5729 or
300 ft. to 420 ft.
RG6 with solid copper
center conductor
(CommScope 5729 or
RG6 with solid copper
center conductor and quad
shield (CommScope 5781
or equivalent)
Important: A higher grade of cable can be used for an installation where a lower grade is
specified. For example, an RG6 cable with solid copper center conductor and quad shield
can be used for installations where the cable length is less than 300 ft. Never use a lower
grade of cable than specified. Be sure to record the grade of the cable used for your
installation. The grade is printed on the cable every few feet. Never use a cable which
does not have the manufacturers name and its grade clearly printed on it!