Advanced Cooling Controller
User Manual
4 Maintenance Guide
Issue Draft A (2014-12-26)
Huawei Proprietary and Confidential
Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
Maintenance Guide
4.1 Querying Parameters
4.1.1 Querying Temperature and Humidity Curves
T/H Curve
screen displays temperature and humidity curves showing the recent
temperature and humidity changes. You can choose to display the curves showing data
changes of recent one hour, one day, seven days, or 30 days.
Step 1
On the home screen, tap
T/H Curve
Figure 4-1
T/H curve screen
The temperature curve (upper) and the humidity curve (lower) are displayed on the same screen. The
abscissa shows time. The temperature set point is the midpoint temperature on the upper ordinate
while the humidity set point is the midpoint humidity on the lower ordinate.
The temperature and humidity curves show the current average temperature and humidity of the
control type.