• Enter a password and confirm the password.
• Check
Allow Store Creation
• Check
Manage Server Properties
• Check
Manage Client Permissions
Only enable features on the
tab that are supported by your client application.
Table 25: StoreOnce Catalyst Clients details
The client identifier is a user-defined string set through the backup
application software which can be used on the StoreOnce System to
identify a client. For example, there may be multiple media servers
sharing the same ID; so, the identifier is not a client machine name
or a name generated by the software. Best practice is to ensure that
the name created on the backup application is meaningful for use in
searches on the StoreOnce System.
This is a description that can be included on the StoreOnce System
when the administrator adds a client.
If the client backup application supports this, you can provide a client
password (client passwords are optional and can also be left blank).
Once set, any client that connects will need to supply the password
along with their client id. Refer to your client application's
documentation for further details.
Allow Store Creation
If the client application supports it, you may also enable clients to
create stores remotely from this tab. Refer to your client application's
documentation for further details.
Manage Server Properties
If the client backup application supports this, you can manage the
server from the client backup application rather than the StoreOnce
System. When enabled, four settings can be managed through the
backup application: Blackout Windows, Throttling Windows, Max
number of Data jobs, and Max number of Copy Jobs. Refer to your
client application's documentation for further details.
Table Continued
StoreOnce Catalyst functions