Status tab
The top half of the Status tab contains information about replication throughput and active sessions.
Replication Throughput Totals
: These tables show an average throughput over a period of time, so
they will not produce accurate data right away.
Active Sessions
: This identifies the number of source and target jobs that are running, and the
number of source appliances that are connected. This information is useful when monitoring
The bottom half of the Status tab contains a list of Active Jobs. Click and highlight any of the status
details to display more information about the job.
Partner Appliances (Replication)
The Partner Appliances tab displays the replication status of all Target and Sources configured for use
with this StoreOnce System.
There are three tabs:
on page 56
Source Appliance Permissions tab
on page 59
The bottom half of the page displays information about any blackout windows that apply to the selected
Target Appliances tab
This tab allows you to view the details of all target appliances. Users with an administrator login can use
the tab to:
• Add a target appliance (administrators only)
• Edit or remove a Target Appliance (administrators only)
• Run Traceroute
Although administrators can add Target Appliances on this page, it is not necessary to do so
before mapping configurations because this option is also available when running the Replication wizard.
Summary appliance details and target appliance parameters
The following status details are shown for both Target and Source appliances.
Table 13: Summary Appliance details
Appliance Name
The name of the appliance.
Appliance Status
The health of the appliance; this shows you whether the appliance is
running or not.
Appliance Address
The virtual address of the service set.
Table Continued
Partner Appliances (Replication)