;encrypt-cred +NXT3w7ky2IXNXadlJblS/1ZRi/o73Qq28XXcLkSCZqKMLMva8rQri5g
hostname "Switch"
module 1 type j9576y
module 2 type j9576x
papi-security encrypted-key <"encrypted-key">
snmp-server community "public" unrestricted
snmpv3 engineid "00:00:00:0b:00:00:50:65:f3:b4:a6:c0"
ip address dhcp-bootp
vlan 1
untagged 1-52
ip address dhcp-bootp
activate provision disable
show run with include key
show run
Running configuration:
; J9576A Configuration Editor
; Created on release #KA.16.02.0000x
; Ver#0e:01.f0.92.34.5f.3c.6b.fb.ff.fd.ff.ff.3f.ef:78
hostname "Switch"
module 1 type j9576y
module 2 type j9576x
papi-security key-value <"key">
snmp-server community "public" unrestricted
snmpv3 engineid "00:00:00:0b:00:00:50:65:f3:b4:a6:c0"
ip address dhcp-bootp
vlan 1
untagged 1-52
ip address dhcp-bootp
activate provision disable
Frequently Asked Questions
Following is a list of frequently asked questions and answers relating to per user tunnel node.
In a controller cluster, how does the switch determine which controller to send the user traffic to?
The SAC sends a bucket-map to the switch during the switch bootstrap process. This map is an array of 256
entries with each entry containing the active and standby controller to use. A user’s MAC address is hashed into
this table to get the controller to tunnel the user traffic to.
When is the heartbeat started to SAC and s-SAC?
Heartbeat is over a GRE tunnel with a specific GRE key (0xDEED). This is initiated with SAC and s-SAC
immediately after a switch bootstrap is complete.
What happens when heartbeat to SAC fails?
Aruba 2930F / 2930M Management and Configuration Guide
for ArubaOS-Switch 16.08