Blocking the messages sent to configured syslog servers from the currently configured
debug message type
Enter the
no debug <
Disabling syslog logging on the switch without deleting configured server addresses
Enter the
no debug destination logging
command. Note that, unlike the case in which no syslog servers
are configured, if one or more syslog servers are already configured and syslog messaging is disabled,
configuring a new server address does not re-enable syslog messaging. To re-enable syslog messaging, you
must enter the
debug destination logging
Sending logging messages using TCP
[no] logging <
> [udp 1024-49151 | tcp 1024-49151]
Allows the configuration of the UDP or TCP transport protocol for the transmission of logging messages to a
syslog server.
Specifying a destination port with UDP or TCP is optional.
Default ports: UDP port is 514
TCP port is 1470
Default Transport Protocol: UDP
Because TCP is a connection-oriented protocol, a connection must be present before the logging information is
sent. This helps ensure that the logging message will reach the syslog server. Each configured syslog server
needs its own connection. You can configure the destination port that is used for the transmission of the logging
Configuring TCP for logging message transmission using the default port
switch(config)# logging tcp
(Default TCP port 1470 is used.)
Configuring TCP for logging message transmission using a specified port
switch(config)# logging 9514
(TCP port 9514 is used.)
Configuring UDP for logging message transmission using the default port
switch(config)# logging udp
(Default UDP port 514 is used.)
Configuring UDP for logging message transmission using a specified port
switch(config)# logging 9512
Aruba 2930F / 2930M Management and Configuration Guide
for ArubaOS-Switch 16.08