0000:01:39:51.58 CFG mCfgRestoreMgr:cfg-restore to config file "backup_conif"
0000:01:39:56.45 CFG mCfgRestoreMgr:cfg-restore diff calculated, number of
commands to add =0 number of commands to delete = 3.
0000:01:39:56.45 CFG mCfgRestoreMgr:cfg-restore iteration count = 1.
0000:01:39:56.51 CFG mCfgRestoreMgr:Command executed = no vlan 2 tagged 9,
Status = Success.
0000:01:39:56.51 CFG mCfgRestoreMgr:Command deleted = vlan 2 tagged 9.
0000:01:39:56.58 CFG mCfgRestoreMgr:Command executed = no vlan 3 tagged 9,
Status = Success.
0000:01:39:56.58 CFG mCfgRestoreMgr:Command deleted = vlan 3 tagged 9.
0000:01:39:56.64 CFG mCfgRestoreMgr:Command executed = no vlan 4 tagged 9,
Status = Success.
0000:01:39:56.65 CFG mCfgRestoreMgr:Command deleted = vlan 4 tagged 9.
0000:01:39:56.65 CFG mCfgRestoreMgr:cfg-restore iteration count = 2.
0000:01:39:59.38 CFG mCfgRestoreMgr:Successfully applied configuration
'backup_conif' to running configuration.
** Total debug messages = 22
Aruba 2930F / 2930M Management and Configuration Guide
for ArubaOS-Switch 16.08