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5.7 View I/O Slots
The View I/O Slots Sub-Menu displays three System Settings, none of which may be edited.
Internal to the XL+ OCS, there is a CPU board, and up to two installed modules. Model
has no installed I/O or COM modules. All other models have an I/O module and can
have a user-installed COM module.
Depending on which I/O module is installed and which I/O module has been configured by
Cscape, one of the following six System Settings should appear for Slot 1:
Slot 1: I/O: Empty
= No I/O module installed or configured
Slot 1:*Unsupported
= Unsupported I/O module installed
Slot 1:-I/O Missing
= No I/O module installed but an I/O module is configured
Slot 1:+I/O: XExyy
= yy I/O module installed but no I/O module configured
Slot 1:?I/O: XExyy
= yy I/O module installed but another I/O module configured
Slot 1: I/O: XExyy
= yy I/O module installed and configured properly
Depending on the COM module that is installed and the COM module that has been configured
by Cscape, one of the following six System Settings appears for Slot 2:
Slot 2: I/O: Empty
= No COM module installed or configured
Slot 2:*Unsupported
= Unsupported COM module installed
Slot 2:-I/O Missing
= No COM module installed but a COM module is configured
Slot 2:+I/O: XzC
= z COM module installed but no COM module configured
Slot 2:?I/O: XzC
= z COM module installed but another COM module
Slot 2: I/O: XzC
= z COM module installed and configured properly
Slot 3: I/O: ETN300
= ETN300 has been configured through Cscape