M a y 6
t h
, 2 0 2 0
P a g e 192 | 192
Table 12.1
Ethernet Module Protocols & Features
, 110
Table 12.2
Ethernet Module Specifications, 110
Table 12.3
Ethernet Status Word Register Format, 113
Table 13.1 - Network Protocols, 120
Table 14.1
Alpha-Numeric Keypad Object, 128
Table 15.1 - 1st and 2nd Status Registers, 141
Table 17.1
RM Functional Blocks, 152
Table 17.2
Filename Special Symbols, 154
Table 17.3
System Registers used with RM, 155
Table 17.4
RM Status Values, 155
Table 20.1 - Modbus Master Mapping, 174
Table 22.1
Cscape Target & Local Numbers, 180
Table 22.2
Removable Media Troubleshooting, 184