GPS - NTP Time Server with LAN Interface 8029NTS-V2/GPS - V08.00
99 / 121
Elektronik GmbH
Nottebohmstr. 41
• D-58511 Lüdenscheid • Tel.: +49 (0)2351 9386-86 • Fax: +49 (0)2351 9386-93 • Internet: http://www.hopf.com • E-Mail: [email protected]
Case 1:
Effect: After the first installation, no satellite appears on the display after several
hours and
is displayed under
Satellites in View
Possible Errors:
The antenna cable is too long
An incorrect cable type was used for the length of the antenna equipment
The antenna cable is faulty
The antenna cable is not connected
The antenna is defective
The indirect lightning protection is defective
Case 2:
There are 7 satellites in the visibility range (
) but a maximum of 2 appear
on the display frame. However, the value of these satellites is 70 or above.
Possible Errors:
The visibility range of the antenna to the sky is limited.
Case 3:
There are 9 satellites in the visibility range (
) and 6 appear on the display
frame. The signal/noise ratios are all below 30. The equipment is not
Possible Errors:
The cable is too long
An incorrect cable type was used for the length of the antenna equipment
The BNC connectors are poorly mounted
The cable is bent or crimped
Indirect lightning protection was irreversibly damaged by overvoltage
The antenna is defective
Case 4:
The equipment was working perfectly but has not been receiving for several
days. 7 satellites appear in the visibility range (
) but no satellite is
Possible Errors:
The cable has been damaged
There was excess voltage on the antenna equipment and the indirect
lightning protector is defective
The antenna is defective
The GPS receiver of Module 8024GPS is defective
A building change has had an effect on the antenna equipment (e.g. shading
of the antenna caused by subsequent building installation, or the laying of
cables with a high electrical alternating field in the immediate vicinity of the
GPS antenna cable)
Electronic equipment with an interference effect on the GPS signal has been
put into operation in the vicinity of the GPS antenna equipment / GPS
receiver (e.g. transmitter for pagers)
Further information on the subject of the GPS antenna system can be consulted in the manual
"Antenna Equipment GPS".