Information for general use
Rev. M / 73023639
GasLab Q2
Description / Explanation
Ex marking complete device suitable for ex- zone 1 and 2 (gases/vapours)
Potentially explosive areas are divided into zones according to the frequency and
duration of occurrence of hazardous explosive atmospheres. The following applies to
flammable gas-air mixtures:
Zone 0 / Division 1
is an area in which a hazardous explosive atmosphere is present
continuously, for long periods or frequently.
Zone 1 / Division 1
is an area in which a hazardous explosive atmosphere may
occasionally occur during normal operation.
(Division 1 comprises the combination of Zone 0 and Zone 1 areas)
Zone 2 / Division 2
is an area in which a hazardous explosive atmosphere normally
does not occur during normal operation, and if it does, it does occur only rarely and for a
short period of time.
Ex db /
AEx db
Principle and type of ex-protection (in this case flameproof enclosure)
Flameproof enclosure
By using this
protection principle and type of protection
parts that can ignite an ex-
plosive atmosphere are enclosed in a housing. The enclosure will withstand an internal
explosion and prevent transmission to the atmosphere surrounding the enclosure.
Ex marking of explosion group
Explosion group
Group I contain equipment for mine workings endangered by firedamp.
Group II
for all
other potentially explosive atmospheres. The classification is based on the equipment
design and the hazardousness of the gases. It increases from expl. group II A to II C.
Ex marking of temperature class (in this case 135°C)
Temperature class
The maximum surface temperature of the device must always be lower than the ignition
temperature of the explosive mixture. The following temperature classes are specified:
T1=450 °C
842 °F
723 K T2=300 °C
572 °F
573 K
T3=200 °C
292 °F
473 K T4=135 °C
275 °F
408 K
T5=100 °C
212 °F
373 K T6= 85 °C
185 °F
358 K
Ex marking of equipment protection level (in this case "high")
Equipment Protektion Level (EPL)
Equipment for potentially explosive atmospheres where there is no risk of ignition
during normal operation is classified in three levels of protection. These apply to gas (G)
and dust (D)
„Very high“ protection level (
Ga or Da)
no danger of ignition in case of foreseeable or rare malfunctions
„high“ protection level (
Gb or Db)
no danger of ignition in the event of foreseeable faults or malfunctions
“ protection level (
Gc or Dc)
Additional protective measures are taken to ensure that there is no danger of ignition in
the event of foreseeable malfunctions of the device.