Information for general use
Rev. M / 73023639
GasLab Q2
Setting or changing automatic measurements
To ensure the accuracy of measurement, the measuring instrument is continuously checked and
corrected during operation. This is ensured, among other things, by
automatic operational
once a week and is shown on the display in the top line.
With the factory parameterization and the commissioning settings, the operational
calibration runs automatically without any additional intervention.
Prerequisite for the automatic calibration, which takes a few minutes, is that the operational
calibration gas (mixture of m CO
) is permanently connected to Q2 and is at the correct
pressure. The calibration starts with the purging time for this gas mixture, which ensures that the
unit is filled exclusively with this gas. When calibration is complete, the measuring unit is purged
with process gas and then automatically continues the analysis.
During commissioning, the purge times, the gas compositions of the calibration gas and,
if necessary, the calibration cycle must be adjusted
Lors de la mise en service, les temps de purge, les compositions du gaz d'étalonnage et, si
nécessaire, le cycle d'étalonnage doivent être ajustés
After reading out the current parameterization, you will find the present settings for operational
calibration under the path shown in the picture. This covers the majority of applications.
Nevertheless, it may be necessary to adjust some parameters. These changes are easier to carry out
when using enSuite than on site at the device.
Figure 8.34: Operating Calibration Gas Settings
For example, the exact composition of the calibration gas mixture according to the manufacturer's
certificate of analysis must be checked with enSuite or on the instrument and changed if necessary, as
shown in the picture above. The preset flushing times must also be adapted to the local conditions