Information for general use
Rev. M / 73023639
GasLab Q2
After step four, the archive window appears and shows the content of the selected archive in tabular
and, possibly, graphic form. The
ordinal number
and the
archive time
are displayed on the left. The
archived data is shown in the remainder of the line.
Figure 8.47: enSuite Archive Window
Use the “scroll bar” (if displayed) to view more archive entries. Depending on the type of data, a
visualization window may also appear under the table. You can view selected data in graphic form
in this window. The selection is made in the context menu by clicking on the header.
There is a clear link between the date and ordinal number; each entry has a time stamp. A window
with settings for the visualization appears on the right-hand side. You can filter the display here and
decide how the archive channe
ls should be displayed. Once again, you can use the “scroll bar” (if
displayed) to view all the options.
Using the same process as for parameterization, you can also export selected files using the
or the export function in the context menu to make yourself independent of your current
enSuite installation.
Figure 8.48: EnSuite export functions