Information for general use
Rev. M / 73023639
GasLab Q2
Main display
is the name of the summary display of the main results. The device starts
using this display set at the factory, which may contain additional
subordinate displays.
MMS (pursuant to ISO 9506) allows communication between enSuite and
enCore devices.
is an event which applies to multiple evaluation cycles of the device. It may
be reset by a user with the appropriate user rights.
Modbus protocol Modbus TCP protocol for data exchange by user-defined registers between
AMR and enCore devices using a standard TCP/IP network.
Network Time
NTP for the high-precision time synchronization of enCore devices with an
NTP time server.
Generated if a measurement violates a state defined by the user. The start is
logged in the logbook.
Operating mode
Different working states of the device during operation are known as
operating modes.
calibration gas
also known as just calibration gas, is kept in a cylinder permanently
connected to the GasLab Q2 and is an integral part of the measurement
device. This is a mixture of methane and carbon dioxide with officially
defined properties and is required for automatic calibration.
Ordinal number
or sequence number is an automatically assigned identification number for
archived data. This is formed so that the very first archive entry has the
number 1. The number is incremented by one for each subsequent entry.
PELV protective extra-low voltage systems which comply with
DIN EN 60079-14: the power supply to generate PELVs must ensure that no
short-circuit is possible between the primary voltage and the extra-low
voltage and its connections. It has a safe electrical isolation point (safety
isolation transformer) and complies with IEC 61558-2-6.
The circuits are grounded.
All bodies of electrical equipment must be connected to a common
grounding (and equipotential bonding) system.
Pipeline is the 0.5 to >2 m diameter steel pipe. The instrument uses much
smaller diameters. The production and installation of tubing is entirely
different from pipelines.
Place of use
or installation site is the room or position at which the measurement device
is located. It must satisfy the requirements defined by the manufacturers,
authorities and operators.