Information for general use
Rev. M / 73023639
GasLab Q2
If a parameter is an import value, i.e. the assignment of an export value is expected,
then, within the corresponding
field, the symbol for the physical quantity is
shown on the left-hand side and the drag-and-drop sign on the right-hand side.
The assignment of an export value to an import parameter only works
if the physical quantity is matching.
You can assign a value by dragging onto the parameter from the value window
using drag-and-drop. A stop sign appears if any such assignment is not possible
(e.g. because the physical quantity is not matching).
Alternatively, you can also open the selection list directly at the parameter value and
select the desired value. However, this list contains all export values that match the
physical quantity. As a result, the drag-and-drop method is clearer for more complex
There are parameters for which either the use of a constant or an import value is possible. For certain
parameters, it is also possible to select the option
Not used
, e.g. for unavailable input values or in
order to disable a monitoring routine (by choosing
Not used
for a limit value).
The possibility of
switching the parameter type
(import value or constant or not used) depends on the respective parameter.
If several options are possible, you can open a context menu by right clicking on the
parameter name. You can select the desired option here.
Alongside the
of a parameter, the associated physical unit is displayed in the
column for values that correspond to a particular physical quantity. Under normal circumstances,
the default unit is used for the physical quantity in question. This is highlighted in the display with
an asterisk *.
Change units
If you click on the unit of a parameter in the Unit column,
a list then opens in which you can select another unit if required.
The default units for specific physical quantities can also be edited.
This is carried out centrally under
Basic System
Unit service
Default units
You can find out more information on the Unit service SFB in the Online Help and in
8.4.7Changing units and adjusting display formats in the Unit Service SFB