Information for general use
Rev. M / 73023639
GasLab Q2
Start delay
Defines how long the start is delayed after the measuring conditions are
Status LED
indicates whether an error, in other words, an alarm or a warning, is active or
has been active.
Super user
shortened (su...) is one of five users who can create or delete further users in
the own profile, all five are included in every parameterization and cannot be
deleted. The administrator determines the rights of the su and its profile.
Superior calorific
Higher heating value Hs
also called Upper Calorific value is a heat
variable which, for example, is used to monitor the energy content of fuel
gases. The superior calorific value is higher than the inferior calorific value.
Not all the combustion products are in gaseous form. This value can be
specified in molar, mass or volume, for example in kWh/m³.
System time
is the combination of time and date shown on the device. Changing the
system time is the generic term for both synchronizing and adjusting these
values. Further information is provided in the manual entitled
enCore ZM1, MC1, FC1
basic system with SFBs
Test gas
Verification gas
Time stamp
are time details which relate to an event. They contain the time in seconds
since 1 January 1970, the local time zone and the local time difference
(additional deviation in minutes). The format for displaying time stamps
depends on the language selected on the device, for example, YYYY-MM-DD
hh:mm:ss or DD.MM.YYYY hh:mm:ss.
Time zone
can only be set using an enSuite offline parameter set and enables the
geographic location of the device to be identified.
Trained personnel
is a person who belongs to a defined user profile (including super user) and
operates or parameterizes the device.
The user is identified by a user name and password.
User management Subject to changes by the administrator.
If used correctly, it guarantees, by means of passwords and access rights,
that unauthorized changes are suppressed and authorized changes are
User profile
is a list of access rights for a group. A super user, for example, SU3, manages
the profile with up to 9 other users.